You’re busy. You’re attending to your career, your family and other passions. So rather than complicate things for you, we often “de-construct” the portfolios we manage, helping you understand basic investment strategies that can best serve your interests.
To ensure the highest degree of transparency, we establish a fee-based advisory relationship. This may include discretionary managed portfolios. Portfolios typically include individually managed taxable and tax advantaged bond portfolios that we actively manage at key turning points during the portfolio's cycle.
Investment recommendations may range from the expected to the “not-so-expected.” Why? Because years of global experience teaches us that today’s sound investment planning – however conservative – should include both.
For Tax-efficient fixed income, we may utilize different types of bonds (municipals) and seek to actively manage at key turning points during the portfolio's cycle. We can also utilize international and domestic investments to help achieve diversity in different areas as needed.
The custom-tailored investment strategy we develop is for you alone. It is not meant to serve those in similar circumstances. Nor does it originate from a plan for another client. Your plan is built around you – period. It is designed from the ground up, to evolve as your needs do. We are selective in our choice of clients, just as we are in the plan specifics we deliver.
To ensure that your initial wealth management strategy continues to addresses critical areas of focus in a timely manner, your portfolio will be evaluated frequently. We make it our business to stay mindful of key milestones – and we will contact you to discuss matters that we believe require your attention.
Supported by the vast resources of Wells Fargo Advisors, we can devote our time and attention to each accomplished individual we serve. As a result, we believe the clients of Huiting Wealth Management Group benefit from a focused investment and risk management plan that is personally crafted for them, articulated to them, and continuously scrutinized for meeting intended goals.
Frequently, we manage all or a substantial portion of clients’ investments and obligations. We’re also invited to work with extended family members, colleagues and friends. This, we believe, is due in great part to our delivery of an exceptional client experience.
We are selective in our choice of clients. Why? Because our success – and yours – results from the caliber of those relationships and the depth of service we can provide.
Appropriate advisory accounts are not designed for excessively traded or inactive accounts and may not be suitable for all investors. During periods of lower trading activity, fees may be lower in this program if the investor selects to open a commission-based account. Please carefully review the Wells Fargo Advisors Financial Network advisory disclosure document for a full description of our services, including fees and expenses. The minimums for advisory accounts are $50,000 to $100,000.
Investing in fixed income securities involves certain risks such as market risk if sold prior to maturity and credit risk especially if investing in high yield bonds, which have lower ratings and are subject to greater volatility. All fixed income investments may be worth less than original cost upon redemption or maturity.
Investing in foreign securities presents certain risks not associated with domestic investments, such as currency fluctuation, political and economic instability, and different accounting standards. This may result in greater share price volatility.